2014 Tournament at the Beach Champions |
VC Elite 5th grade team won the Ventura Heat "Tournament on the Beach" held at the Thunderdome on the campus of UC Santa Barbara. The team posted victories over ALT Elite, Oxnard Fierce and the Santa Barbara Blazers on their way to the championship. They did it with an aggressive pressing defense and a well executed full court offense. Perhaps most impressive was that they were competing in a 5th/6th grade division. Expect big things from this team going forward!
VC Elite Varsity team went two and one and finished second in their division. They posted nice wins over the Santa Barbara Blazers silver team and Oxnard Fierce but could not keep up with the Blazers gold team. Still a very good showing for a new team in only their second tournament. Let's keep working hard in practice.
Next tournament is Ventura Seaside.
Go Elite!!